28 June 2010

Strange Things

I am awake and blogging at 6:30 in the morning on a Monday. I start working on Thursday, so I need to start getting up and going to bed on my "work" routine now. . . and I don't like it! I am NOT a morning person! J slept in his bed last night for the first time since school got out. I didn't really like that either, but we are back on that routine now, too, since he is starting ESP today. :-(

I managed to get quite a lot accomplished over the weekend, despite not being home for 2/3 of it. The living room is still clean(!), and now the kitchen is 95% there as well. I need to do the floors, but I'm not too concerned about that. The dining room is cleaned, but I have stuff on the table that needs to be put away. I haven't dusted in the hallway, and I need to put up clothes in the boys' room (usually their job, but I need to cull out those things that are too small before school starts). Our room hasn't been touched, and the playroom needs a bit of work. I should only have three loads of laundry to wash and dry on Wednesday (two of clothing to line dry, one of socks and underwear that get to go in the dryer). I'm almost there! The end is in sight!

Now, for why I was not cleaning my house over this weekend as I should have been. D's mother started chemo two weeks ago. Saturday night, D's sister and I threw a "hat party" for her, where all the guests wore hats and brought her gifts (movies, iTunes cards, yarn for crocheting, books, etc) that she can use while doing the chemo or while recovering at home. The party was a lot of fun, and she seemed to enjoy herself. Anyway, Friday was spent cleaning my m-i-l's house for the party. . . and then grocery shopping. Saturday was spent at her house again, getting things ready and cleaning again, and then the party. Saturday was the longest day of my life. My legs and feet and back still hurt!

Friday night we did take time out to go to the drive-in with J and see Toy Story 3. If you haven't seen it, skip down to the bottom, because I'm about to give details. I started crying during the opening home video scenes. I thought it was so sweet that it was the same play time theme as the first Toy Story. I collected myself and was good until Chuckles starting talking about Daisy and telling their story. I lost it. And I was very mad at her parents! D and I know where J's favorites are at all times! I didn't stop crying until the movie was over. The scene at the landfill with the incinerator did me in. I was convinced it was over and they were going to die and that was how the trilogy would end. I was sobbing. J spent the last ten minutes rubbing my back and telling me "It's okay, Mommy." When Andy was playing with Bonnie, I couldn't see the screen. Even D was crying. I loved that Andy didn't want to give up Woody. That was wonderful. Part of what made us both so emotional, aside from growing up with the Toy Story franchise, is the fact that J is our own Andy. His equivalent of Woody is Boo Boo, a giraffe D gave me in the hospital when I had kidney surgery while pregnant with J. When J was born, he "stole" it from me. (he loves this giraffe to the point that while we were in Disney World, he wanted to take him to Animal Kingdom to show him his family and we had to find a shirt small enough to fit him because "Boo Boo needs a souvenir too!" No joke.) Since I was so distraught by the movie, when J went home with my mom from the party Saturday night, he told me he didn't pack Boo Boo, but left him on my pillow to cuddle with me because I needed some Boo Boo love. (Is that not the sweetest thing?)

Much as I don't want to, I suppose I need to actually get out of my comfortable bed and work some on the house before going to sign J up for ESP and let him stay for a few hours today. Even thinking about doing more housework makes my body throb in pain. I just have to remember that the house will be beautiful for all our company this weekend!

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