23 June 2010

She Works Hard for the Money. . .


Yes, I'm a little excited. With good reason. I applied for a job at the University in APRIL. I interviewed in May. (applied mid-April, interviewed May 16, to clarify) I got the call yesterday and I start July 1. I am so grateful, relieved, excited, nervous. . . .

Yesterday was all-around an awesome day for me. Our internet had been acting up and not connecting, so D picked up a modem from work. When it didn't solve the problem, we called tech support (bad idea). That actually made it worse. So when he went to work yesterday, D mentioned to one of the supers that we were having issues. At 8:15 there was a tech in the driveway. By 9:00 there was a tech in a bucket truck in the road, up on the line. By 11:00, D was here, adding his AT&T van to the mix. By 11:30, we had another bucket truck and a super here. The problem? Squirrels chewed through the cable on the line. So, D's buddies and coworkers fixed the problem and one even sat on the floor with me to set back up the wireless network that tech support screwed up. First wonderful part of the day - internet service!

Second wonderful part of the day - getting the job offer! The Associate Dean of the Department of Education called and offered me the position. And I said yes!

Third wonderful part of the day - D's baseball team played their best game of the season last night. They lost by one, but it was the best game I've seen them play all year.

Fourth wonderful part of the day - is actually a carry over into today - D and I are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary today!

That's all I've got. . . I've got a house to get very clean and ready for me to be a working girl.

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