30 January 2009

Ack! Why did THAT happen?

Things have been stressful, to put it mildly. We decided a couple of weeks ago that we were going to discontinue our home phone service. We both use AT&T for our cell phones, and 95% of the people we talk to regularly do to, so we typically have an abundance of roll-over minutes at the end of the month. So, I cancel the home phone. No big deal. . . until AT&T disconnects our internet (which they didn't mention when I disconnected the phone) and then my cell phone, since it was all on one bill. Um, yeah. Not what we planned. At all. We've managed to hijack our neighbor's wireless network to stay online, but I am suffering without my phone. We've been trying all week to get this whole mess straightened out. Not sure how it's going to work, though. We set up a new internet account with AT&T for a freestanding DSL (that does NOT require land-line service). That should take effect later today. . . I hope. Still have no idea what we're going to do about my phone. Right now they're trying to bill us for the "breaking contract" fee, but we're not trying to break the contract. . . so I have no idea. Really makes me regret extending my contract three weeks ago, I'll tell you that! And, better still, they want to conduct all of this business over the phone - during normal business hours. I DON'T HAVE A PHONE! And D is working. . . not able to sit around on hold and talking to them for hours. I am so frustrated!!

I will say that it has been kinda nice to "be off the grid" again. This is the first time in eleven years I have not had a cell phone. More to the point, this is the first time in 13 years I have not been able to be found when I left the house. (I had a pager before the cell phone.) It's incredibly liberating. Scary, though, 'cause now I'm worrying that something will happen and I won't be able to call anyone. (As if I wasn't paranoid or anxious enough!)

In other news, we are hooked on the show Bones. We've watched the first two seasons on DVD and are watching the third this weekend. I'm also ripping them from the DVDs and putting them on my computer, so I can burn our own copies of them and/or watch them on our iPods. :-D

I know this started out with a rant, and I am still peeved by the whole situation, but all in all, things have been okay. Stressful having to deal with things that spiral out of control and WAY beyond even wildest "might happens," but all in all, it's been a good week. The house is clean and actually staying that way for a change. There's food in the kitchen and the meals have all been warm, good, and filling. There is laundry to be folded and put away. The kids are healthy and pretty happy. When I look at it from that perspective, I don't have a damn thing to complain about.

I'm just going to keep on a keepin' on. . . .

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