11 December 2009

Brave New World

Oh boy! I'm now able to blog from my phone! Maybe this means I will blog more frequently. Or not.

Let's see. . . my foot is killing me, my husband is frustrating me, my stepson is driving me crazy, and my son is testing my patience.

My family and my in-laws are making my holiday season miserable, and this year we apparently aren't even putting up a tree in our house?!? WTF?

I don't talk to anyone anymore, and I miss the adult interaction, but not enough to spur myself to actually do anything about it. When I do spend time with people, it's in settings that don't allow for much talking. I think I'm depressed, and it wouldn't shock me in the least to find that to be true. I hate cold weather, I dislike this holiday season, and I am easily frustrated by how materialistic by children are encouraged to be by other adults.

On the positive side, we are all healthy, well fed, and provided for. We are aggrevated by those we love, which means they are around and taken for granted enough that we feel that way. I know I am blessed more than I deserve, and that things are not as dire as I would make them seem, but sometimes it's hard to rise above the grey misty fog and see the bright clear sun.

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