11 May 2009

Moving On. . .

Lately, I've really been struggling. I've been struggling to find motivation, struggling to find peace, struggling to find joy. Some times are easier than others, and some situations are becoming increasingly more difficult. D and I have often discussed moving away, and now we're more convinced that moving is the solution to so many of my (and our) problems. We love where we are, but. . . .
we don't love not getting to make choices for ourselves, or being able to raise the boys how we want, or having to depend and rely on each other and ourselves when things get rough.

As of right now, we are NOT moving. That said, we ARE looking. We have no destination in mind, only that it not be in Tennessee. We are looking for somewhere D can transfer, and somewhere we can afford with one income. I want somewhere warmer, with less winter. D wants somewhere with four true seasons, and less humidity. We both want a red state, but will settle with a strongly red county in a blue state.

Now I'm going to cuddle with J and watch cartoons.

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