07 October 2009

I'm so mad, I'm sick. Coupled with the fact that I am so scared and relieved that I'm sick, I'm a nervous wreck here lately.

I keep telling myself I need to blog about what all has happened, but I can't seem to bring myself to write about it.

Everyone is okay.... but some very dear friends of mine (our family's) were in a private plane crash Sunday night. They all walked away, but it scared me. All I could think of was how I would tell J that his girlfriend and her brother died in a plane crash.... SO thankful that I don't have to do that. It was truly a God-thing that saved them. They are still dealing with it, naturally, and those of us around them are trying to help them pick up the pieces and continue on with normal life. Neither of the kids were hurt at all. That's the big thing. The dad broke his arm, the mom was hurt by the seat belt across her stomach and is still having some pain from that. Since it's Fall Break, the kids are home all day... so I'm taking them with me this afternoon to "veggie land" and letting mom and dad go to the doctors' offices and take a break.

Now for what has me so mad:
some jackass used my debit card number to buy anti-virus software online, so I had to fill out fraud paperwork at the bank. The bank is reversing the $150 charge, but that takes time... and I had to cancel my debit card, so I can't even GET money until they send me my new one. GRRRR.

And I'm kinda irritated with my husband. Just a little. I'm hoping that goes away, but so far it hasn't.

Off to Chik-Fil-A for a free chicken biscuit. :-) Maybe I can get some odds and ends done before I pick up my cadre of kids and hang out in veggie land. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates and stays nice enough for them to play outside while I'm doing this!

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