is hopefully another man's treasure. We've been talking about having a yard sale ever since we moved into the house and emptied the storage unit (didn't seem bad to have a storage unit when we lived in an apartment. . . didn't seem like that much stuff. It was). I've been the wrench in those plans. It's not that I don't want to get rid of the stuff - it's that I don't want to have a yard sale. I'm against having all sorts of strangers poking through our stuff and walking in our yard and paying us a pittance for the items. Now that we are out of both space and money (thank you economy!), I'm reconsidering. I've sold a bunch of stuff on eBay. . . but no one is going to bid on used clothes. Or some of the other junk we've accumulated. I'm posting more stuff on there now, in hopes that it will sell. I'm not out to make a fortune, so maybe that will help. I just want the stuff GONE. If I can sell enough of it, I will take the clothes to Goodwill. Is it sad that the clothes I'm getting rid of are too small for D, too small for C (those that I'm not holding on to for J), and too small for J (those that aren't going to my cousin's twin boys), and too BIG for me? I've lost so much weight during my marriage that I have dropped three sizes. Even at my largest during the pregnancy, I couldn't wear some of them. I'm just really looking to clear out my house and attic. The attic is the big one. If I can clear it out, even just half, then we can start to work on finishing it which brings me so much closer to my bathtub in the master bath. (see? ulterior motive - nothing altruistic about it!)
Other news - C came home from camp on Saturday. Had a good time, got to see his girlfriend... all was good. D and his parents did the pick up. Find out by sitting next to D while he is on the phone with our NEIGHBOR that C is flying to NC on Sunday. WTF? D never told me and knew he hadn't. I asked why, he said he wasn't going to tell me until it was a confirmed plan. So what, if he got on the plane then he'd call and say, "Hey babe, C is flying to his mom's today." ????? Flight was at 9:00 am, so D's parents - WHO KNEW - show up to pick them up at 6:30 am. He gets home at noon - with C, who didn't get on the plane after all. Turns out he was flying alone. No freakin' wonder - he's never flown before!! She chewed C and D out over it. Apparently, according to D's dad, they are making plans today to get C to NC for the remainder of summer break to spend with his mom. D hasn't said a thing. Makes me very tempted to tell him not to leave C here with me, since I'm obviously not ever going to know what's going on or be an adult in that dynamic. If I ever consider leaving this marriage, that will be why. I'm not allowed to be a parent, my opinion isn't sought regarding decisions, I'm not INFORMED on what's going on. . . that's not how co-parenting works. At all. And it shows J a very poor example of how to treat your wife and kids.
Now I'm off to post more on eBay and look up a good jumbalya recipe for Sunday dinner. :-) Have a good week!
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