25 June 2009

Into the Mystic (with the other late-night blogs in my mind)

This was a blog I was writing in my head as I went to sleep last night. . . so, of course, I've forgotten it. Grrr.

Let's see, maybe if I just start rambling, it will come to me.

I'll tell you about C and the "fun" we've had so far this summer. He had a half day of school on May 29. He spent the afternoon here at home, playing his PlayStation 2. That evening, he went to D's parents' house to spend the night, as my T-ball team had a game the next morning and he didn't want to go. So, Saturday morning at around 7:00 we get a phone call. . . C's mother is here and ready to pick him up. (Let me back up to say that his supplies had not come in yet, and the order at the pharmacy wasn't due to be refilled for a week or more. . . so, for her to pick him up before those were done, she agreed with D that she would order another month's supplies and have them shipped to her, and also to go to the pharmacy and refill his insulin and test strips. Remember this!) So D rushes to get ready and go to his parents' house so he can say goodbye to C. While there, he guilts his parents into coming to J's first tournament game. They all show up late. (we won the game, though.)
Fast forward to last week - Wednesday. We're hanging out outside, waiting for J to come home from VBS. D's phone rings. It's C's mom. Can D call the pharmacy in Florida and pay for the insulin and test strips over the phone? 'Cause C is completely out, and she doesn't have any money. In fact, since she doesn't have any money, her other ex-husband (father of C's half-brother and -sister) will be bringing C home the next day. . . that's okay, right? D does NOT pay over the phone and suggests she buy a small amount in the pharmacy in order to send him home and we'll just get it here. Legally, she's required to pay half of all copays. I've never seen money come from her, ever. So, moral of the story, C came home two days early and with no supplies. D's parents wanted to go get C, so they had D ride with them. . . telling D that they wanted to go and he would rather see them than me and J. True or not, WE are his family. So, he comes home on Thursday. He stays here Thursday and Friday. He spends all day Saturday and Saturday night with D's parents. Doesn't call D Sunday morning to wish him a happy Father's Day. We spend all day Sunday at D's parents' house. We bring him home with us Sunday night, screaming and crying. He stays here Monday. Tuesday, D's mom picks him up to go to a movie with her granddaughter. Tells J she's sorry he can't go, maybe he can get Mommy to let him go next time (ahem - she has taken K, the granddaughter, to a movie every week this summer. she has never asked J to go. as soon as C was home, she asked him to go. when she asked me and D if it was alright, she said, "I'd love for J to go, but I just don't think he could behave or I could deal with him in a movie." riiiiiight.). So C is over there Tuesday, and we D goes to pick him up after work, C throws a fit and is crying again. D is fairly adament that he is coming home, seeing as it is our anniversary and we had plans for the family. D's mom defends C, saying that K is spending the night, so why can't C? D comes home in a foul mood. . . pissy and mad, because his son would rather be anywhere than here. He came home last night and is here today. Yay for me. As long as I keep him and J in seperate rooms, it's not so bad. If they are in the same room for more than about five minutes, though, J is in tears and usually has a new bruise coming up on him. Is it any wonder I have a hard time being excited about him being home??

That wasn't the blog I meant to post, but I can't remember what I was going to write. . . oh well.
Maybe I'll remember later.

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